Starting conversations about mental wellbeing.
Do you or your child ever feel stressed, angry, stuck, alone or afraid? Is it easier to avoid situations then face them? Do you want to be mentally stronger?
This event will provide you with advice and conversation to enable you to either begin or continue a journey of building mental strength.
Why build mental strength? In Australia, current statistics show that 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness in any year. 45% of Australians experience a mental illness at some stage in their lives. Devastatingly, suicide is the second most common cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, with boys at a higher risk than girls. Mental strength should increase the coping ability of our adolescents, parents and teachers to develop thriving and flourishing individuals.
Date: Wednesday 3 March
Place: PBC's Trade Training Centre
Time: 6pm
This is a free event.
Parents and students are both welcome to attend.
If you would like to come along please RSVP to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au stating 'wellbeing' in the subject and advising the number attending.