Monday Early Finish Rationale
It is important to note that no curriculum time is lost with the 1.20pm finish time on a Monday. Curriculum hours have been maintained for each subject. This time was created through the removal of the repeat/additional period in the timetable which arose when weekly school sport was not available on the Gold Coast as schools moved to a cluster model to maximise student learning days.
Although there is no expectation that students attend on a Monday afternoon, should they want to or need to both supervision and tutors are provided in B Block. An average of approximately 40 (mostly Year 7 students) are booked for supervision on Monday afternoons at the request of parents.
This change has enabled students to:
• Study independently either at home or at school in our library precinct;
• Access tutors to assist with their school work in our library precinct;
• Catch up on lesson content that they have missed whilst on vocational placements or other extra-curricular activities;
• Complete their vocational placements; Undertake part-time work, sports training or other commitments.
This change has enabled staff to:
• Work collaboratively to improve curriculum and unit planning;
• Analyse student data and better cater for individuals.