Application submissions
How to Apply
To submit your application Via Email: - Download the following documents;
a) Student Enrolment Application (only fill out if in Catchment)
Once completed, save all forms and supporting documents as a PDF named in the following format: SURNAME (in capitals), First Name (e.g., BLOGGS, Joe).
If your document is too large to send as a single PDF, split it into two and name them as follows:
- SURNAME, First Initial, Program, Part 1
- SURNAME, First Initial, Program, Part 2
If you are unable to submit your application via email, please bring all documentation and lodge it at the Main Reception.
Please also note for students entering into year 7, if you are enrolling after the school year has begun, you will be required to meet with a Deputy Principal.
Students enrolling into year 8-12 you will also be required to meet with a deputy for an enrolment appointment.
If you would like to apply for an Excellence Program, please click on the following link: - Excellence Programs