Full Day
Parents/Caregivers must notify the school and provide an explanation of a student absence by 9.00am on the day of the absence.
The priority for notification is:
TEXT MESSAGE – (0426 305 728) – provide student name, year level date and reason for absence
Example Text – “John Smith Y8 03/06/24 Sick"
(Please be sure to include the date of absence and a brief but clear reason – e.g. sick, family, holiday.)
Please DO NOT text any attachments – our text system cannot accept photos or images and the text will fail.
If texting is not possible, you can:
EMAIL – absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au – provide student name, date of absence and a brief but clear reason – e.g. sick, family, holiday
If the school has not been notified of your student's absence by 9.00am, you will receive a text message from 0426305728 by 10am. If you receive a text message, you can reply to the message, providing your student name, year level and reason for absence.
3 or more days
If a student is likely to be absent for more than three days, parents/caregivers are to notify PBC in writing by text message to 0426 305 728 or email to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au stating the student's name, year level, dates of absence and the reason for the absence. A medical certificate can be emailed to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au or a hard copy taken to the Junior or Senior Secondary Student Services. Please DO NOT text any attachments – our text system cannot accept photos or images and the text will fail.
Please refer to the Senior Assessment Policy on our website to check the applicable requirements when you Senior Student is absent.
In some circumstances, an exemption from schooling may be appropriate. Where an exemption is approved, a student maintains their enrolment despite extended non-attendance. The circumstances for which a student would be eligible for an exemption are listed below and are only for absences of 11+ consecutive school days. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to submit an exemption application to the Junior or Senior Secondary School Student Services.
- illness or hospitalisation (including recovery period at home)
- 'carer' responsibilities
- diagnosed mental health condition
- diagnosis of terminal medical condition
- temporary interstate or overseas relocation where the family intends to return to Queensland (excluding holidays).
Teaching staff are not required to supply school work to students taking leave during the school term.
Forms are available on the PBC website or upon request at the Administration Office.
Approving Absences
Please note that the school will determine whether an absence can be approved based on the Department of Education guidelines. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable absences can be seen below:
Acceptable reasons for absences
| - Serious illness or medical conditions (the majority of these conditions should be accompanied by a medical certificate)
- Representative activities including sport, academic and cultural
- Serious family emergencies (these should be rare)
- Sorry Business
Unacceptable reasons for absences | - Holidays outside school holiday periods
- Non-essential activities (e.g., driving lessons, non-school functions during the school day)
- Medical appointments that can be scheduled outside of school hours
In the instance that a student has acceptable reasons for an extended absence (of 3 days or more) a member of staff will contact the family to make appropriate arrangements for their continued engagement with school.
In the instance that a student has an unacceptable reason for their absence the school will not provide work or facilitate assessment. Parents and students should not contact teachers requesting work for students where the absence is for an unacceptable reason, such as holidays. Upon return from such an absence the school will determine whether it is appropriate that the student be awarded N's on their report or be asked to sit missed assessment pieces.
What should I do if our family is going on a holiday in school time? Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day. You are encouraged not to schedule holidays during school time. If your family circumstances dictate that your student must attend a holiday during school time, please let the Attendance Officer know the absence dates at least 2 weeks prior to the holiday. Email the details to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au . Parents/Caregivers should also consider the assessment policy and assessment calendars for any potential impact on their student's assessment. Teaching staff are not required to supply school work to students taking leave during the school term.
Late Arrivals
- Please text the late notification to 0426 305 728 prior to 9.00am to ensure no late text is generated for your student. Text should have following information: (Name, Year Level, Date, LATE, Time expected, Reason for being late)e.g. 'John Smith Y9 14/11/23 LATE 9.30am Doctors Appt'.
- Head of Year will monitor late arrivals. Consistent late arrivals that impact engagement with school process may result in a disciplinary action.
Early Departure
- Notes are to be written and signed by a parent/carer and presented to the Junior or Senior Secondary Student Services prior to 8:45am that day.
- The sign out note must specify the following:
- The specific reason for signing out (doctors, dentist, etc.).
- The time and date that you need to sign out of school.
- If a medical appointment, the time, location and professional field must be included.
- Notes will be approved by a Head of Year and should then be collected prior to signing out of school at the Junior or Senior Secondary Student Services.
- Non-approved notes and absences may lead to disciplinary action.
- Students must show the signed note to their class teacher at the requested leaving time.
- Report to the Junior or Senior Secondary Student Service Office with the signed note to obtain and 'Early Departure' pass.
- It is appropriate for students to sign out no more than three times a term for an appointment or an activity during school hours.
- Head of Year will monitor early departures. Consistent early departures that impact engagement with school process may result in a disciplinary action.
If your student becomes ill at school and is sent home, they will be issued with a leaving slip by the Sick Bay Officer. If they return later in the day they will need to report to the Junior or Senior Secondary Student Services Office and sign in. Administration Officers or Head of Year may contact home to query the validity/frequency of appointments during school hours.
District/Regional/State/National Representative School Sport
As Districts/Regionals/States/Nationals are the next levels up from PBC-based sport, PBC is not provided with a full list of students who actually attend on the day and require parents to notify the Attendance Office as some students are nominated but choose not to attend on the day.

Why does school attendance matter?
Regular school attendance gives students a better chance at life. Students achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day because:
- they have increased access to learning opportunities
- they maintain friendships
- they stay connected to the curriculum progression
- they develop self-efficacy as a learner
- they have better long-term life outcomes.
Visit Every day counts
for more information and to view useful resources for parents.
Our PBC student attendance target is 92%.
Education Queensland categorises students into two groups that affect schooling requirements. Below is a breakdown of these two groups. Regardless of the group your child/children fall under, all students enrolled at PBC are expected to attend every day, be punctual, and must present for roll marking at the beginning of every class unless there is a valid excuse for absence.
From time to time a student may be absent from their educational program. Parents comply with their compulsory schooling or compulsory participation obligation by providing a reasonable excuse for these absences. Parents should provide a reason for a child's absence before or on the day of the absence, or as soon as practicable.
COMPULSORY SCHOOL AGE: A child is of compulsory school age if the child is at least 6 years and 6 months, and less than 16 years. However, a child is no longer of compulsory school age if the child has completed Year 10.
Each parent of a child who is of compulsory school age has the legal obligation to ensure their child is enrolled and attends a school, on every school day for the educational program in which the child is enrolled, unless the parent has a reasonable excuse.
COMPULSORY PARTICIPATION PHASE: A young person's compulsory participation phase starts when the young person stops being of compulsory school age (i.e. turns 16 or completes Year 10, whichever comes first) and ends when the person:
- gains a Certificate of Achievement, Senior Statement, Certificate III or Certificate IV; or
- has participated in eligible options for 2 years after the person stopped being of compulsory school age; or
- turns 17 years of age.
Each parent of a young person in the compulsory participation phase has the legal obligation to ensure that the young person is participating full-time in an eligible option, unless the parent has a reasonable excuse.