The uniform shop is located ground floor B Block
Fittings will be in the following rooms:
Uniform Shop – Orders, payments & collections
Please note, you are welcome to come in any time from now to purchase uniforms. Our opening hours are 8:00am-12:15 Monday to Thursday.
Uniform Shop Closures
Wednesday 30 April (T2 W2)
Tuesday 3 June (T2 W7)
Tuesday 10 June (T2 W8)
Wednesday 6 August (T3 W4)

PBC is a uniform school and all students enrolling here are expected to accept and support these standards of dress as determined by the Principal and supported by the Palm Beach Currumbin State High P&C. This policy is an integral part of our school security program and supports the Queensland Department of Education Workplace Health and Safety policy.
Uniform Code Junior (PDF, 119KB)
Students are required to wear the complete school uniform each day and students should arrive at school in a 'fresh, neat and tidy' uniform at all times.

Online purchasing
Palm Beach Currumbin has partnered with FlexiSchools - Australia's leading provider of online ordering systems for schools.
Ordering online is a convenient way for parents to place orders with the school uniform shop, providing a 24/7 payment and ordering system that can be accessed from home, work or a mobile device. Online orders are also faster and more accurate, giving parents peace of mind that their order and payment is received accurately at the school.
When ordering your uniform online with FlexiSchools, you must place your order BEFORE 4 pm if you want next day collection.
NOTE: You MUST have proof of current enrolment in order to collect any uniform order. Only currently enrolled students are allowed to purchase a school uniform.
FlexiSchools are more than happy to assist parents with any questions you may have about ordering your uniforms online. Call 1300 361 769 or go to
Student Welfare Clothing Pool
Parents/caregivers are welcome to donate PBC school uniforms back to the Uniform Shop at any time, as their children grow or they leave the school. All items of uniform clothing are welcome including shoes. These donations will be passed on to the Student Welfare pool for students in need.
When the Student Welfare pool gets too large and overstocked the Uniform Shop will hold a second-hand sale to clear the stock and all money raised from that sale will go back into the Student Welfare Pool to help those students in need.
Please note the Uniform Shop does not sell second hand uniforms at all except through the abovementioned second hand sales. Any planned second hand sale will be advertised though the Parent Newsletter and our social media accounts at least two weeks before the sale.