"A breeding ground for Sporting Success"
The Sports Excellence Program is an elite training and coaching program developed for gifted and talented students in Tennis, that empowers them to pursue their sporting dreams. Students with demonstated ability in Tennis are supported through mentoring, training and education from nationally accredited and industry experienced coaches.
Coaching Staff Profile
 Tim Hart
Brendon Moore
- Tennis Coaching Award level 1 & 2 (DCA & CCA)
- National League player
- Fitness Instructors Course level 1 & 2
- ASCA (S & C) Level 1 coach
| - Elite Level 4 and National Development coach
- Competed on the Men's Professional ATP World Tour from 2002 to 2019
- Aquired an ATP Word Ranking inside the top 400 in the world
- Formerly Ranked top 15 in Australia
- Current World no. 1 on the ITF World Masters Circuit 35+ Mens
- Current Australian no. 1 on the ITF World Masters Circuit 35+ Mens
- Winner of the 2023 Masters ITF World Championships held in Turkey.
The essence of our coaching philosophy, is based on the long term development of athletes in their physical conditioning, techniques, tactics, mental approach and satisfaction in learning new skills and enhancing existing skills. REDS aim to create an environment that is conducive to learning, embracing a culture of teamwork and fostering individual and team success through a progressive passion for commitment and work ethic.
Recent Successes:
| Boys 1st - Girls 1st
Boys 1st - Girls 2nd
Boys 1st - Girls 1st
Boys 2nd - Girls 1st
Boys 2nd - Girls 1st
| Boys 1st - Girls 4th
Boys 2nd - Girls 2nd
Boys 2nd - Girls 2nd
Girls 2nd (Runners up)
Girls 2nd (Runners up)
| Boys 3rd
Boys 5th
Boys 6th - Girls 9th
| Boys 1st - Girls 1st
| Boys 5th - Girls 5th
| N/A
| Boys 1st - Girls 1st
| Boys 7th - Girls 5th
| N/A
| Boys 1st - Girls 1st
| Boys 6th - Girls 5th
| N/A
PBC 2024 Championships
Junior Boys Singles
| Joey Surawski
| Neo Locher
Junior Girls Singles
| Payten Grattan
| Matilda Burger
Junior Boys Doubles
| Aiden Mitchell & Kahu Slater
| Marley Vico & Neo Locher
Junior Girls Doubles
Senior Boys Singles
| Kuma Ito
| Jack Hart
Senior Girls Singles
| Sofia Savic
| Ava Garner
Senior Boys Doubles
| Ollie King & Jack Hart
| Kuma Ito & Quincy Khan
Senior Girls Doubles
| Sofia Savic & Anna Haskamp
| Montanna Johnson & Ava Garner
Junior Boys Consolation
| Marley Vico
| Kahu Slater