
Tertiary Scholarship Information


Tertiary Scholarship Information

Academic and Merit

All Universities in Queensland offer academic scholarships for students who are likely to achieve an ATAR of 92 or above. Most academic scholarships also require demonstrated leadership skills but some merit scholarships are less dependent on this factor. Every year, scholarship allocations go unused because not enough students apply for them so please don’t assume you will not get one – have a go and you may be pleasantly surprised at what eventuates !!


There are many Faculty Scholarships available across Universities in Queensland. Eg : if you are going to study Law, check out scholarships related to this at your preferred University. You may also be recommended for one of these if you don’t quite make the criteria for an academic scholarship. Eg : the Engineering faculty recognises your potential for that field and would like to support you in your studies.

Leadership and Academic

TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Scholarship

This is for Year 12 students who demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and achieve excellent academic results. Details are available on the Education Queensland website.

C.A.S. Hawker

The Charles Hawker Scholarship is very generous and is awarded to high achieving Australian secondary students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability while at high school. Contact details for applications : phone (08) 8127 1654 and website

If you represent Queensland or Australia in your chosen sport, check out the scholarships section of your preferred Universities. Griffith University has a Sports College to support elite athletes while they complete their University degree but all Universities in Queensland offer sports scholarships.

If you have a low family income (parent and/or student is on a Centrelink allowance), you will be eligible for an Equity Scholarship through your chosen university. The aim of these scholarships is to allow students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds an even footing with their more fortunate peers. This also prevents students from having to work long hours in casual jobs to make ends meet. Centrelink has in the recent past offered an automatic scholarship to students on a Youth Allowance but this has recently been changed to a loan set-up. If you are on the Youth Allowance when you start University, please check with a Centrelink staff member what the current situation is.

All Universities have scholarships to support students with Indigenous heritage. Universities also have an Indigenous Support Service where staff can help with accommodation if you need to live away from home and academic support such as tutoring. Please take advantage of any of these services which will make the transition to University life easier. Check out what is available on the website of your preferred Universities.

Specialised and Other Scholarships

Interstate Universities

Queensland students wishing to study in another Australian state are well advised to check out the website of your preferred University by the end of Term 1 in Year 12. Many of these universities have earlier application dates than universities in Queensland. You may need to ask a Head of Department or Deputy Principal to act as a referee for you so please ask them for assistance well before the due date.

Overseas Sports

Young Australian athletes wishing to pursue their sports career overseas may like to contact CB Sports Network at This program focusses on elite athletes who wish to combine their sporting ability with a University degree in the United States of America. 

The College Board also assists students wishing to study overseas. This includes any entry tests that may need to be done as Australian Year 12 results may not easily equate to the overseas criteria. Check out  for more details. You may also like to talk to teachers at your school who have lived in America and may have some useful input re size of city, climate and which sports and degree courses  a particular University is known for.

Indigenous Students (teaching)

The Pearl Duncan Teaching Scholarship is for Indigenous students who wish to study an Education degree and teach in a Queensland school. This includes Year 12 students wishing to study a four year Education degree or Indigenous students who already have a degree and wish to add a postgraduate diploma in order to become a teacher. Details of this excellent opportunity are on the Education Queensland website ( External link).

Aspiring Teachers

The Aspiring Teacher Grant provides financial support for high-achieving Year 12 students who are starting an Education degree at University. Details are available on Education Queensland website ( External link).

Long Tan Leadership Award

The Long Tan Scholarship is available to students who have a parent or grandparent who is serving/served in the Australian Defence Force. The student needs to demonstrate high academic ability or achievement and also how their tertiary studies would be completed more successfully due to receiving the Award. For application details, contact 1800 620 361 or check out External link

Students with Hearing and Speech Impairments 

The Quota Club supports students with a Speech or Hearing Impairment who wish to study at tertiary level (University degree or TAFE diploma). Students who do not have an Impairment but their study will assist those that do may also apply (E.g.: studying Special Education in order to work with Hearing Impaired students).  For further information, please contact the Quota Club at Tweed Heads/Coolangatta branch (PO Box 511 Coolangatta or Committee member Sue Wickham on 0414 877 231). 

Scholarships Available

This list may not include everything available at all institutions. 

UQ              External link

QUT            External link

GRIFFITH   External link

SCU            External link

BOND         External link

USQ            External link

QTAC          External link

DEFENCE   External link

TAFE          External link





Australian Catholic University (ACU)

ACU offers more than 40 scholarships, awards and bursaries with a range of eligibility criteria. Some of these scholarships aim to recognise outstanding academic achievement while others aim to acknowledge the University’s responsibility to provide access to students who might otherwise be excluded by socioeconomic, cultural, geographic and other disadvantages. Applications are made online. For a comprehensive list of scholarships, eligibility criteria and due dates for applications visit Scholarships and Financial Support  External linkon the ACU website.

Australian Maritime College (AMC)

AMC offers a number of specific scholarships in a range of disciplines. In addition the UTAS Scholarship Program provides students with significant financial and academic support to study at AMC, a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania. Selection is based on academic achievement and/or financial need. Applications are made online and the due date for most scholarship applications is 31 October each year. For more information on available scholarships, selection criteria and due dates for applications, visit Scholarships External link on the AMC website.

Bond University (BU)

BU offers a large range of scholarships and financial aid programs offering full-fee and part-fee assistance. Applications can be made online between 1 April and 31 July each year. For more information visit Scholarships External link on the Bond University website. There are no scholarships available for the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – undergraduate or graduate entry.

Christian Heritage College (CHC)

CHC offers a number of scholarships for students commencing full-time study in initial teacher education courses. An application form can be downloaded from the CHC website and must be accompanied by a statement indicating how the scholarship will assist the student. The closing date is early January. For more information visit CHC Initial teacher Education Scholarships External link.

CQUniversity (CQUni)

CQUniversity scholarships, awards and prizes and the financial assistance programs provide financial and non-financial assistance. CQUni recognises the need to support those who are disadvantaged, but also reward those who have excelled at their studies to date. CQUni understands that a potential roadblock to attending university is the cost associated with text books, and technology costs such as computers and course specific software, as well as financial assistance for accommodation and taking time off from employment. For a full list visit CQUniversity Scholarships External link.

Griffith University (GU)

GU offers a range of scholarships aimed at assisting students with course fees, text books, accommodation costs and living expenses. In previous years over 500 scholarships were awarded to students in undergraduate programs. The Deans’ Sir Samuel Griffith and Sir Samuel Griffith scholarships are aimed at high achieving students to reward and acknowledge academic excellence. In addition, GU offers other academic scholarships as well as sporting, equity, accommodation and study specific scholarships. For more information visit Griffith University Scholarships External link.

James Cook University (JCU)

JCU offers a range of scholarships to recognise academic excellence or to assist students to access university study, such as regional students, Indigenous students and students who have experienced financial or other disadvantage. Scholarships are also available to students in specific study areas. For more information and for application dates visit Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants External link on the JCU website.

Queensland Institute of Business and Technology (QIBT)

QIBT offers financial support through family bursaries where two or more students from the same family study with a Navitas member institution. To help students achieve their career goals, each semester QIBT also offers scholarships for up to two diploma or associate degree students who have achieved outstanding results over four or more subjects. Students are not required to apply for the scholarship as it is awarded at the discretion of the College based on academic performance. For further information on bursaries and scholarships available visit QIBT Scholarships External link.

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

QUT awards scholarships to commencing students covering a range of eligibility criteria from high achievers to elite athletes and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, through to students from low-income backgrounds and regional areas. Scholarships are also available to students in specific study areas. Visit Scholarships External link on the QUT website. If you are considering applying for QUT’s Equity Scholarships Scheme for students from low-income backgrounds, you should also apply under the Financial Hardship category of the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) when lodging your QTAC application. Refer to the EAS External link information on QTAC's website.

Southbank Institute of Technology (SBIT)

SBIT offers a selection of Institute-wide scholarships for both new and continuing domestic students. Scholarships are available to students with a high academic record and students who identify as low income or from a background of educational disadvantage. Applications open mid-October each year. For more information visit Scholarships and Bursaries External link on the SBIT website.

Southern Cross University (SCU)

SCU offers a range of scholarships designed to reward students for academic achievement, community involvement and leadership. Some of these scholarships recognise significant achievement by students under conditions of disadvantage. Applications are made online with most closing on 30 November each year. For more information visit Southern Cross University Scholarships External link.

TAFE Queensland (TAFE QLD)

TAFE Queensland participates in a range of competitions, scholarships and award programs across all of its campuses. For more information visit Competitions and Scholarships External link on the TAFE QLD website. Also check other individual TAFE campus websites.

The University of Queensland (UQ)

UQ offers a range of scholarships that reward academic excellence, support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, financially disadvantaged students, and assist elite athletes. Discipline-specific scholarships are also available to second and later year students, including summer research and overseas study scholarships. For more information, including how to apply, visit Scholarships External link on The University of Queensland website. Note, QTAC applicants who have completed the Financial Hardship category of the Educational Access Scheme when lodging their QTAC application will automatically be considered for the UQ-Link Access Program and equity scholarships. Refer to the EAS External link information on QTAC's website.

University of New England (UNE)

UNE offers a number of specific scholarships for students starting their degree. Some scholarships are for rural students and aim to recognise outstanding academic achievement, leadership and financial support. Other scholarships support residential college accommodation and outstanding ability in a chosen sport. For a comprehensive list of scholarships, eligibility, criteria and closing dates for applications please visit Undergraduate Scholarships at UNE External link.

University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

USQ has a huge range of scholarships available, ranging from $500 to $50,000. They are not just for high-achievers, there are scholarships suitable for everyone. A full list of scholarships, the application procedures and closing dates are available at
Find the right scholarship for you External link on the USQ website.

University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

USC offers scholarships and bursaries designed to assist with tuition fees, purchasing textbooks and equipment, and meeting accommodation costs and other general living expenses. USC scholarships aim not only to reward academic excellence but also to address other criteria such as relocating to study or financial hardship. For a list of scholarships and awards visit Scholarships External link on the USC website.

Last reviewed 27 March 2024
Last updated 27 March 2024