
Transition to Year 7


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to PBC

If you are coming to PBC next year, then welcome! As current Year 7 students, we know the sorts of things that you might be thinking about right now, and the questions you might have.  


‘Palm Beach Currumbin State High School is a place where pathways to success and brighter futures begin. Attending PBC will be a brilliant opportunity for all of you. Whatever your school life has been like so far, PBC allows you to choose your own unique path and excel, both here and in the future.  PBC’s culture is one of excellence, which is expressed through our school motto, Nil sed Optima, nothing but the best’. - Current Junior Secondary Student


 What is there to look forward to?

One of the best things about high school is all the opportunities that are available. 

You will have brand new, exciting subjects not taught in primary school, such as the Technology subjects: Food, Design, Digital and Engineering Technology. Many subjects will give you a chance to develop new interests in new areas. 

At PBC, every teacher you have will be a specialist in that particular subject. This means in every class has a teacher who is dedicated and passionate about that area. 

Another great thing about our school is if you excel in a certain area, you have the opportunity to grasp that skill and improve it, with the help of our Excellence programs. Whether you shine on stage, in the classroom or on the sporting fields, our Excellence programs are specially designed to cater for high achieving students. 

At PBC there are many opportunities to participate in Community Service, such as our Leos Club. Community Service is a great way to join in with other people. It also promotes growth and boosts personal self-esteem. 

PBC is a great school, with lots of opportunities to get excited about. 


Things you might be wondering about right now

If you are in the full blast of transitioning to high school, and are wondering about something, don’t worry! There are heaps of people at PBC to answer all your questions and make your transition smooth and easy.

Firstly, you might be wondering, how will I not get lost?  On your first day, you will be handed a PBC Student booklet.​ This contains lots of information about the school and a map to pinpoint exactly where you are. You can’t get lost if you use it! If in doubt, always ask an older student or teacher. We are a friendly bunch at PBC and will do all we can to help you.

Wondering about the Seniors? Big senior students are one of the scariest things to people going into high school. Some of them seem huge! Actually, our Seniors are great, and can be really helpful when you need them. Senior students have separate lunch areas so mostly we mingle more with people more our own size.

Friends? Making new friends can feel daunting, especially if you are coming to high school not knowing anyone or wanting to reinvent yourself. Just trust that you are cool, just by being you. PBC caters for so many different students that you are bound to find your tribe quickly.

Lastly, you will hear about homework. Managing homework is easy - it just involves writing your tasks in your Outlook Calendar. Later, open your laptop and do your homework as soon as you get home.


Getting ready for high school

Have you thought about how you are going to get to school? If not, it would be a good idea to sit down with your parents/caregivers and have a chat about how you will do this. Consider catching the bus, walking, riding your bike or getting a lift to school. Directly in front of the school is a very busy pick up and drop off zone, so perhaps plan a meeting point in a less busy spot. Make sure that you will get to and from school safely!

Where can I find out about…?

Which class will I be in?

PBC takes care to place students in classes where they will do their best learning. With students coming to us from over 50 primary schools, from the Gold Coast, interstate and even overseas, there is a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. 

Year 7 students have their very own designated eating area in the Main Quad with a tuckshop, bathroom facilities and oval nearby. 

​You will find out your new classes on Day 1 of the school year.

The parent / teacher information night will be held on Wednesday 12th February 2025.​

What will I learn in Year 7?

Find out all about our curriculum here: Junior Secondary Curriculum

Where can I buy the uniform?

Find out about our school uniform and our uniform shop hours here: Uniform Shop 


Last reviewed 13 December 2024
Last updated 13 December 2024