Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at PBC. There are many things to learn about when changing schools and we would encourage you to have a good look around our PBC School Website for policies, programs and services offered.
To submit your application Via Email: - Download the following documents;
a) Student Enrolment Application (only fill out if in Catchment)
Once completed, save all forms and supporting documents as a PDF named in the following format: SURNAME (in capitals), First Name (e.g., BLOGGS, Joe).
If your document is too large to send as a single PDF, split it into two and name them as follows:
- SURNAME, First Initial, Program, Part 1
- SURNAME, First Initial, Program, Part 2
Once all forms and documents have been submitted, you will be required to attend an enrolment appointment with a Deputy Principal to finalise the enrolment.
Should you have any queries or wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact our Administrative Staff on (07) 5525 9333.