We also visit primary feeder schools to discuss the transition to high school and work with primary teachers in identifying students with additional needs.
Once at PBC, all students are involved in a 'First 20 days program' which helps strengthen a connection and belonging to PBC. This program also helps them cope with the transition into adolescence and starting high school.
Teaching staff at PBC are among the best on the Gold Coast. In high school, students have access to subject specialists in all subject areas and teachers who have received specialist training in the Tactical Teaching of Reading and Functional Grammar.
Can my child be involved in sport in Year 7?
All students will take part in HPE and also participate in sport on the set cluster days. PBC offers a comprehensive variety of competitive and non-competitive activities from which to choose.
Will Year 7 students have a common teacher for several core subjects?
A core feature of junior secondary is a reduction of the number of teachers a student interacts with across a week. At PBC we set up our Junior Secondary so that most students will have a teacher for Maths/Science and another for English/SOSE. Students will also have the benefit of specialist teachers in a variety of elective taster classes.
How does PBC provide a safe and supportive learning environment?
Students at PBC follow the Optima Code for being safe, being respectful and being a learner and are caring and considerate young people. Junior Secondary at PBC has separate playground areas for the students. The Junior Secondary teachers are based in the same area so the students have easy access to guidance of an academic and pastoral nature. Heads of Year and classroom teachers are experienced in settling young people into high school and will do everything they can to ensure new students feel safe and secure at PBC.
What leadership opportunities are there for students at PBC?
Our leadership structure includes Junior Secondary Leaders (Year 8/9 students), Senior Secondary Leaders (Year 10 -12) and School Captains (Year 12 students).
In addition, students have the opportunity to get involved with the Leo Club Wednesday morning before school. Leadership opportunities arise in the classroom through group work and class-based activities and also through team sport participation.
Will my child continue to follow the Australian curriculum?
PBC Junior Secondary follows the Australian Curriculum lead by expert curriculum coordinators. As a result of this and other interventions, last year PBC recorded our best ever Year 9 NAPLAN results and was recognised by the South Coast region as a high performing school in the area.
What is be the length of the school day?
The current school day is 9:00am to 3:00pm (Tuesday – Friday), with an early finish on Monday at 1:20pm. There are four 70-minute lessons each day with a break at 11:30am and another at 1:20pm.
Can my child stay at school until 3pm on Monday?
Yes. If you require your young person to remain at school for supervision from 1:20 – 3:00pm each Monday there is a variety of activities that students can register for. Junior Secondary students can participate in tutoring, chess, drawing, gardening or prep readers. Monday afternoon activities are not compulsory and is no cost to the family.
What uniform will students be wearing?
Year 7 students will wear the same PBC day uniform and sports uniform as our current Junior Secondary students. More information about our uniform requirements is available on our website under Facilities / Uniform Shop.