
Executive Principal's welcome


As a large school we have the distinct advantage of offering a wide range of opportunities that targets the interests and ability levels of every student. The school offers a number of meaningful educational pathways and subjects that are aimed at all students becoming active and engaged citizens of the future. In addition the school is well known and regarded for the programs of excellence that it offers across academic, sporting and artistic areas.

To ensure every student engages with these opportunities our school is organised into two smaller schools.

Junior Secondary (Years 7-9) is focussed on ensuring that each student has the prerequisite skills and knowledge for Senior Secondary and gains exposure to a broad range of experiences which positions them to make specialisation decisions in the next phase of their schooling.

Senior Secondary (Years 10-12) is focussed on connecting every student to their preferred post schooling pathway whether it be further education or employment. It features comprehensive curriculum offerings that include ATAR, school based and vocational educational courses.

Both the Junior and Senior Secondary have an administration team who lead dedicated and highly trained staff in the quest to unlocking the potential of each and every student.

Palm Beach Currumbin State High is an Independent Public School and a school of first choice.

Chris Capra
Executive Principal

Last reviewed 15 July 2024
Last updated 15 July 2024